In The News
Louisiana is the New L.A.
Hillary Atkin, Variety, October 20, 2015
"Entertainment industry expats have settled in the Bayou State, finding a welcome change of pace in a new production hub."
Variety Magazine's October issue contained a special, Louisiana-centric section with a series of articles all about film production in Hollywood South.

225 Magazine: David Tatman - People to Watch 2015
January 2015
"Every year, 225 Magazine takes a look at the people in Baton Rouge who are taking risks, trying something new, and expanding their reach to make a lasting impact on the local community--and beyond. From athletics and education to reality TV and the arts, they are changing our city's cultural landscape. Some of them do it all behind the scenes, and some of them have made the news through their work, but they all should be on your radar.
They are our 2015 People to Watch--and we can't wait to see what they do this year."